Upper Facelift and Brow Lift: Restoring Youth and Vibrancy to Your Face

Dr Shahin Shams (manager)
3 min readMay 25, 2024


Over time, the effects of aging become evident on our faces, particularly in the forehead and upper facial regions. Horizontal lines across the forehead, drooping brows, hooded eyelids, and crow’s feet can significantly impact our appearance and youthful glow. Upper facelift surgery, also known as a brow lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that addresses these concerns and rejuvenates the upper third of the face.

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Types of Upper Facelift and Brow Lift Procedures:

There are two primary approaches to upper facelift and brow lift surgery:

  • Traditional Brow Lift: This technique involves incisions made behind the hairline. The forehead skin is then lifted and tightened, with excess skin removed before suturing the incisions closed.
  • Endoscopic Brow Lift: This minimally invasive method utilizes smaller incisions and a specialized camera called an endoscope to elevate the brows and smooth the forehead. It results in less scarring and a shorter recovery time.

Benefits of Upper Facelift and Brow Lift:

Upper facelift and brow lift surgery offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Smoothing of horizontal forehead lines
  • Elevation of drooping brows
  • Smoothening of forehead skin
  • Reduction of crow’s feet and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Improvement in eyelid appearance
  • Overall youthful rejuvenation of the upper face

Upper Facelift and Brow Lift Procedure Steps:

The specific steps involved in your upper facelift or brow lift procedure will depend on the chosen technique. Generally, the process follows these steps:

  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia is administered to numb the targeted area.
  • Incision Creation: In the traditional method, incisions are made behind the hairline. For endoscopic brow lifts, smaller incisions are made within the forehead area.
  • Skin Elevation: The forehead skin is lifted and tightened.
  • Excess Skin Removal: Any excess skin is carefully removed.
  • Suture Closure: The incisions are meticulously closed with sutures.
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Post-Operative Care for Upper Facelift and Brow Lift:

Following upper facelift or brow lift surgery, adhering to specific post-operative care instructions is crucial for a faster recovery and minimizing potential complications. These may include:

  • Cold Compress Application: Use cold compresses to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Pain Medication: Take prescribed pain medication to manage any post-surgical pain.
  • Head Elevation: Maintain an elevated head position for several days to reduce swelling.
  • Limiting Activities: Avoid strenuous activities and exercise for a few weeks.
  • Sun Protection: Utilize sunscreen with a high SPF to safeguard your skin from sun exposure.

Potential Side Effects of Upper Facelift and Brow Lift:

As with any surgical procedure, upper facelift and brow lift surgery can come with potential side effects. Some of the possible side effects include:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring

Cost of Upper Facelift and Brow Lift Surgery:

The cost of an upper facelift or brow lift procedure varies depending on several factors, including the chosen technique, geographical location, and the surgeon’s expertise. Generally, upper facelift and brow lift surgery are more expensive compared to other facial rejuvenation options like Botox or dermal fillers.

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Dr. Shahine Shams The Expert of Cosmetic Surgery in Facelift:

Dr. Shahine Shams, a seasoned plastic and cosmetic surgeon with extensive expertise in upper facelift and brow lift procedures beside Rhinoplasty, utilizes the latest techniques and methods to help you achieve a younger, more vibrant appearance. To learn more about Dr. Shahine Shams’ upper facelift and brow lift surgery procedures, visit his website at لیفت صورت or contact his office +98 910004777 to schedule a consultation.



Dr Shahin Shams (manager)

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